[REVIEW] “Gravity and Quantum Mechanics 3” at IGGY Magazine (FR)


“…we are completely a fan of this piece which brought together so many artists. …. we immediately assimilate it to 51 beats, because it brings together several extraordinary sounds.

“…contains musical elements that make our hearts beat and leave us speechless. The diversity of sounds offered to us takes us for a ride in a universe where the landscapes are fabulous.” 

[REVIEW] Discover The New EP “BRZ” By Artist Joao Ceser at INFO MUSIC

From start to finish, its melody has us feeling introspectively moody, with a set of deep, dreamy atmospheric cuts that will reset your body and soul. These songs feature gorgeous modular synth lines and subtle wandering percussion from Ceser’s analog collection.

[REVIEW] Joao’s BRZ @No Transmission “Let’s call it poetronic!”

“Ceser brings a sense of his environment to his mixes, built upon judiciously simple percussion, uplifting melodies that repeat hypnotically, and lofty electronic experiments” …. “Released on the ever-reliable 51Beats label, the three tracks spin by with gentle vigour.” … ““…ultra-danceability…..innocuous techno develops with rich shades into an impressive mood that follows you around after it’s finished.“

Let’s call it poetronic!

[REVIEW] Tracya’s Mindlux discussed @”Os Garotos de Liverpool”

“…Mindflux” é um EP que entrega para o público cinco faixas que trafegam pelo eletrônico e suas vertentes, passando pelo EDM, Dance, Techno, leftfield, entre outros, de maneira totalmente envolvente, instrumental e perfeita para as pistas/baladas, não deixando ninguém parado por um segundo sequer, prometendo poder embalar raves por toda sua extensão.” “…ótimas melodias, linhas de baixos e pads eletrônicos destacados…”

[REVIEW] A very accurate discussion about “Mindflux” by Tracya is online now @No Transmission (IRL)!

“…the drums succeed in creating a grounding element to the unpredictable music to which movement, of at least the head, is unavoidable. Through colourful glitches, hazy synths, and hypnotic basslines, these songs are more tranquil and viscerally impactful than their danceable nature first suggests.” …… “Mindflux is an enjoyable, often transportive, listen from a producer who works at the extremes of the techno and ambient spectrum. This results in a dichotomous mood where the thrill comes with the chill, and focused musical ideas are executed without repose.”