[REVIEW] Discover The New EP “BRZ” By Artist Joao Ceser at INFO MUSIC

From start to finish, its melody has us feeling introspectively moody, with a set of deep, dreamy atmospheric cuts that will reset your body and soul. These songs feature gorgeous modular synth lines and subtle wandering percussion from Ceser’s analog collection.

[REVIEW] Joao’s BRZ @No Transmission “Let’s call it poetronic!”

“Ceser brings a sense of his environment to his mixes, built upon judiciously simple percussion, uplifting melodies that repeat hypnotically, and lofty electronic experiments” …. “Released on the ever-reliable 51Beats label, the three tracks spin by with gentle vigour.” … ““…ultra-danceability…..innocuous techno develops with rich shades into an impressive mood that follows you around after it’s finished.“

Let’s call it poetronic!

[REVIEW] Tracya’s Mindlux discussed @”Os Garotos de Liverpool”

“…Mindflux” é um EP que entrega para o público cinco faixas que trafegam pelo eletrônico e suas vertentes, passando pelo EDM, Dance, Techno, leftfield, entre outros, de maneira totalmente envolvente, instrumental e perfeita para as pistas/baladas, não deixando ninguém parado por um segundo sequer, prometendo poder embalar raves por toda sua extensão.” “…ótimas melodias, linhas de baixos e pads eletrônicos destacados…”