MILANO X “In “Snowing on Lava” quiete e senso di stasi (pad aerei e distesi, batterie lineari, keyboards) sono oscurati da minacce incombenti (droni, bassi profondi e suoni ambientali), producendo un effetto orrorifico, come se una subdola infezione contaminasse un organismo vivente.”
“It is not often that I hear something that is equally so strange and at the same time makes me want to play it on dance floors, if only to put people in altered states and dance on the wrong foot. Martino Nencioni is a real discovery and should be hailed as a true innovator in electronic soundscapes that explore house themes with a chicago influence, and manages to create soundscapes, without ever slipping into benign deep house. His latest release, Snowing on lava, is dark and full of meaning and defies cliche’s.” (Billie Ray Martin)