SOUNDMIT 2020: someone from 51Beats is out there :)
The 2020′ Edition of Soundmit was held virtually the 4-15 of November.
It is a great honour for 51Beats to see the participation of very good friends of us: Giacomo Vanelli, Andy Morello, and Sonambient 🙂
“Strange as usual” by Andy Morello selected @XLR8R+
NEW RELEASE by Giacomo Vanelli OUT 11 Dec 2020
It’s a difficult moment for everyone, worldwide. Of course it is not a music label that can change anything here. But we believe in a bright future. A future full of energy, safety, and respect for all the human beings.
Since the beginning of this damned pandemic in the EU, and especially in our beloved Italy, we tried to immerse ourselves in what we like most: good and new music. Music was, is, and always will be… an extremely powerful source of positive vibrations, and why not, a means to provide cheerful moments.
With this in mind, at 51beats we boosted our schedule to provide to all of you a wide pattern of new sounds, as always, from new, undiscovered, and talented musicians fluctuating in the subterrenean electronic music scene.
Following the romantic nostalgia of the 80s with Hana Sent, we opened the path to imagination with Andy Morello’s collateral fluxuses.
AND NOW, point to the grandiose through transformation and hope, try to remember your childhood, reunite with the hands of your mother, your father. “Growing Wings on the Way Down” by Giacomo Vanelli will be out at 51Beats the 11 of December 2020.
PRE-SAVE IT NOW & we look forward to see you on board….

Andy Morello on “Noise Symphony Suggests”
Andy Morello on Radio Last Floor
“Leaving” by Double Precision rocks a lot here!
“Esperienza Mediterranea” by Marcio McFly @XLR8R+

The hypnotic “Esperienza Mediterranea” by Marcio McFly is picked-up @XLR8R+ The track is part of the genre-borders-crossing album Space Safari (51beats), where italo hip-hop meets electro&techno