[51bts063] Joao Ceser: Fiumi.brz
A premiere rich of “Euphoric synths”
“Seveso”, taken from the forthcoming “Fiumi.brz” by Joao Ceser has been nicely picked-up in Los Angeles @XLR8R. Free download of the track is available to XLR8R’s member here
“Recorded in Brianza, the four tracks feature stunning modular synth lines and subtle wandering percussion from Ceser’s analog-focused collection.”
Joao Ceser: “Fiumi.brz” OUT the 19th of March 2021 at 51Beats
Joao’s secret places will soon land on 51Beats…
Once upon a time….
….a DJ called Laurent Garnier was playing a track from Joao Ceser:
…. and now Joao will bring his genius to 51beats
Joao Ceser: “Fiumi.brz” OUT the 19th of March 2021 at 51Beats
[51bts062] Andy Morello & Duscio: Electricults
[PREMIERE] “Lost Player” opens the #560 episode @Syndae
[PREMIERE] “Lost Player” by Andy Morello&Duscio @electronicgroove!
This is the ELECTRICULTS week, and “Lost Player” is now premiered @electronicgroove for you to enjoy while waiting
“Electricults is the balanced ensemble of intricate structures and killer rhythms for a magnificent dance on Orion.”
Andy Morello & Duscio: “Electricults” OUT the 26th of February 2021