DJ Barefoot will soon appear @51Beats with his most intimate sonic permutations… stay with us….
Modular Cuisine: the VINYL is now available!
Syndae podcast#590 hosts our Morello’s track taken from “Modular Cuisine”
MODULAR CUISINE: un evento, un vinile, un’asta benefica

[51vin004] VV.AA. Modular Cuisine
24.09.2021 || electronic, electro, ambient, techno
MODULAR CUISINE is an event, a vinyl, a charity auction.
During the event, our artists “interpret” local food with live exhibitions. An exclusive vinyl is jointly released, and during the event uniquely-painted copies are exhibited in the framework of a charity auction.
[PREMIERE] “Sharp Razor” by Acid Castello premiered @Electronic Groove

Modular Cuisine is an event, a vinyl, a charity auction, and it is shaped by 51Beats, Milano Modulare and Pitch the Noise.
During the event, uniquely-painted covers will be exhibited in the framework of a charity auction.
[PREMIERE] Modular Cuisine highly appreciated @Parkett

“Modular Cuisine”, un evento completamente dedicato alla musica elettronica che si pone da vetrina perfetta per tutti i progetti all’avanguardia.”
“..intento a coinvolgere gli artisti di tutto il territorio e di tutti i settori. Dalla coltivazione, alla cucina e naturalmente alla musica.”
“sarà presentato anche il vinile, ….promosso e pubblicato da 51Beats….Ma non sarà un semplice vinile. Gli artwork delle copertine saranno disegnati da ragazzi ed artisti di Zibido. In questo modo saranno creati pezzi unici, esposti durante l’evento e vendute ad un’asta benefica.”