A quantum computer deals with information encoded as qubits. A qubit is to a quantum computer what a bit is to a digital one: it is a basic unit of information. In hardware, qubits live in the subatomic world. They are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.
Quantum computers are like supercharged versions of classical digital computers. A digital computer processes data in a linear and step-by-step manner. It works like someone solving a maze one step at a time. In contrast, a quantum computer can explore all possible paths at once. It can work out an exit route much faster.
Yet, speed is not the only benefit of quantum computers for creativity and the arts. Operating a quantum computer requires different ways of thinking about encoding and processing information. This is where composers can take advantage big time. This technology is destined to facilitate the development of new ways to create and perform music.
The small print is that quantum computers are still in development. Only a few machines have been built at the time of writing. Still, a few companies and institutions already provide access to rudimentary quantum hardware on the cloud for research. Hence the release of QUBISM, a pioneering album illustrating how quantum computers can be leveraged to create music in different ways.
Miranda, E. R. (2021). “Q1synth: A Quantum Computer Musical Instrument”. Applied Sciences, 13(4):2386. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13042386
Miranda, E. R. (Ed.) (2022). “Quantum Computer Music”. Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13909-3
Miranda, E. R. and Basak, S. (2021). “Quantum Computer Music: Foundations and Initial Experiments”. arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.12408
Miranda, E. R. and Siegelwax, B. N. (2022). “Teaching Qubits to Sing: Mission Impossible?”, International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 17(4):303-331. arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.08225
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